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Experience the thrill of a lifetime

Cage Diving with Sharks

You could come face to face with one of the ocean's most iconic predators: the great white shark. Descend into the depths within the safety of a sturdy cage and feel your heart race as these magnificent creatures glide past, their sleek forms cutting through the water. Expert guides provide fascinating insights into shark behaviour and conservation efforts, ensuring an educational and unforgettable adventure.

students on boat

Setting Sail

The day starts at 6am with students meeting at the pier in Simons Town ready to board the boat to Seal Island. The cage is secured to the rear of the vessle before powering out across False Bay.

Getting to Seal Island

It takes about 25 minutes to get to Seal Island from Simons Town harbour.


Once there, the cage is lowered into the water and secured to the side of the boat, with the top section remaining about the water. This means students can resurface at anytime

cage diving with sharks
shark through cage

Into the Cage

A mix of fish is added to the water to attact the sharks and a seal decoy is deployed.


As soon as the sharks arrive it's time to be brave and get into the cage and experience one of the most exhilirating encounters of your life.

Take a Closer Look

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